Ability to specify when one task depends on another
This could allow start and due dates to be set automatically based on the status of another task.
Here's another possible implementation: Use the status field. A task can be set up so that its status switches to "Next Action" after a specified task is marked as complete.
Rick Boyer commented
I would put all my votes to this if I could. I have been looking for this feature in an app since I learned GTD and have considered writing my own app just to get it implemented.
I'll buy two copies of this app the day this feature comes out.
Luca commented
I have to agree. I also loved that feature of ToDoMatrix, one of the best systems I've every used and the only major reason why I miss Blackberry....
Paul Cahoon commented
The idea of a task automatically turning to next action is a concept I want to expand on. I used ToDo Matrix on BlackBerry before switching to android. One of the things I miss about that system is that when a task was marked complete, it would ask you if you wanted to see the overall project. This was great for someone like me who juggles many different tasks/projects because it helped make sure a next action was constantly assigned.
Susan commented
I like Remy's idea of attaching them to the goals.
Susan commented
Yippee! I've been waiting for this for a long time!
Steve Palmer commented
Would love this feature! Thanks, Steve
Rich commented
Or create a project/checklist option... FYI here's something I wrote prior re another app (sorry it's long, but maybe a few helpful ideas within):
Thoughts (to bounce around I haven’t thought about every possible twist).
Seems like standalone todos/reminders are "tasks", a set of related tasks amounts to a "project", and the best way to input/manage a project is "checklist style"... so underlying elements/tasks (children) visually connect with each other & the top level task (parent). "At a glance" being important (if not CRITICAL with more complex sets of related tasks).
Vs. fragmentation confuses things making it hard to see overall status (the big picture), inviting errors & stuff falling thru the cracks—ouch. Plus checklist style it’s easy to order/reorder the list (child level) per first things first, “what’s next” logically positioned top-of-list (just by changing the due date/time??), adjustments ideally (!) made with “drag & drop” ease & quickness.
–Note: checklists (parent level) can only be marked “done” when all underlying (child level) items are done (perhaps alerting the author of the parent task when underlying elements were assigned to other people). An essential “protective” (against making inadvertent errors) feature…
-Note: parent level tasks would appear per due date (or none) just like now, except add a “Show Children” button (to detail view) that displays entire ! checklist; in chronological order except grouping undone (un-dated then dated) on top, done below. Ditto re child level tasks, tapping “Show Parent & Children” button would display the entire checklist (same style/order). Reinforcing the “connectedness” of underlying elements/children (and their connectedness with top-level task/parent)... “quick & dirty”, in-your-face, easy to keep “big picture” in mind. Optional except when we’ve changed something that renders something else illogical (like deferring a child level task beyond due date/time of parent level, alarms beyond due dates/times)... in which case “Show Parent & Children” would auto-open, “illogical” stuff highlighted, forcing us to consider related adjustments… goal again being to always keep “big picture” in mind when we make adjustments. If that’s too sophisticated, you could alternatively offer a settings option that would always open the entire checklist (before any element within it can be saved), ideally just for “complex” checklists (ones containing underlying tasks/children with dates/alarms). Lots of ways to handle, but the key is protecting against us changing something that throws something else (within a related list of tasks) out of kilter… without our having a clue. Going for logical, simplistic, hi-confidence process…Alarm management… hmm. Re “simple” checklists, due date/time/alarm should be set-able parent level only (lest underlying children alarm illogically/out of order, creating a nightmare to update/defer dates & times). Re more complex child level tasks (especially when assigned to other people!), alarms would need to be set-able for each underlying task; although this can be problematic (e.g. when you defer a task but forget to defer the alarm). So perhaps for these checklists build “smart” deferral/adjusting functionality, warning us to potential incongruities (plus to speed up process). And/or offer a single ! summary screen listing date/time/alarm setting for all tasks (parent & child) “at a glance”, so we can quickly assess & id what needs to be changed/tweaked.
The key being… tie everything together so it makes sense, it's decipherable "at a glance", and it’s easy/logical to manage (update, reorder & defer tasks). In turn reducing the likelihood of stuff falling thru the cracks, and increasing confidence level (even when you’re managing lots of tasks & complex projects).
P.S. maybe it’s best to offer 3 input options: 1) simple standalone task (offering date/time/alarm etc.), 2) simple checklist (only parent level offers due date/time/alarm), 3) project checklist (allows due date/time/alarm for underlying tasks too); with child level (probably) auto-reordering by due date/time, and with system “incongruity testing/alerting” (to keep us out of trouble).
Remy commented
Assign those tasks to ToodleDo Goals and you have a really powerful project management feature (similar to GOALS ToDo)