Ultimate Beta: "Goal" title is not appearing in task edit mode if goal is "none".
Ultimate Beta Bug : "Goal" title is not appearing in task edit mode if goal is "none". Title should always show so that one knows what each field is for and where one can add a Goal.
Would it be possible for you to send us a screen shot that shows the problem? To generate one, press and hold the power button and the home button at the same time. This will save a file onto your device that should be visible in the Gallery app. You can send this as an email attachment.
cool commented
I am using Samsung Galaxy Note 2 with Ultimate to-do Beta version 3.0b3. My file upload reference no. is 1053. Under "power user" the"Goal" field is ticked on, goals are enabled and showing my goals as options for selection. The goal field is available and editable. However the word/title "goal" is missing from the task editor field only when "none" is selected. If other goals are selected it shows the "goal" word/title. I am using English. It is a small issue but may help you debug.