Add Sync with
Please add a sync with Toodledo is useless without multiple levels of Subtasks. I can't understand why Toodledo is so popular. There needs to be a sync with one that is fully functional besides Google Tasks. Thank you, Ken

Rene commented
Or have a chat with the guy from Taskunifier (Benjamin) to use his metadata field for subsub tasks through toodledo!
this should be a 10 minute job. it won't show online, but will show in the on both ends (UTDL and Taskunifier) -
Rene commented
The new website Organitask does such a job.
Having this sync with UTDL would connect my two most favorites: UTDL for mobile, Taskunifier for any desktop.. -
T commented
I would replace toodledo altogether and have an independent website built and controlled by the developers of ultimate to-do list.