Ability to add custom reminder time.
Example: 32 hours before due date. Now there only an option for 1 or 2 days before due time. You can't customize the exact reminder time that you need.

Carson Wilcox commented
I vote for this as well. I'd just like to set a reminder for the time of event rather than 1 min before and this should give me that ability.
Anonymous commented
Yes please! I vote for this too.
Linda Smith commented
Please add this. I need other reminders than what is available. i.e. 12hrs for a night before reminder
Larry Huisingh commented
Custom reminder time would be a big help. I would actually like to be able to add a zero or 5 minute reminder.
Anonymous commented
I would like the possibility to be able to set reminders date and time completely free
Three fields for setting reminders: days, hours and minutes before due-time (instead of the list in the current version).
Thanks for a superb todo-app!