Have a way to export and import View settings between Devices. Have a way to CLONE Views.
If you get a new device, you have to recreate all your view settings on the new device by hand. What a drag! There should be a way to export the View settings on one device and reimport them on another device. Also, many of my views have the same settings. It's a pain to make a new view that's a variant of an existing view and re-enter all the settings. There ought to be a way to clone views just as there is to clone tasks!

Adrian commented
I use U2 on a mobile, tablet and pc with android and it's hair pulling to have to redo views on several views on several devices. Surely views can be imbedded into the app os.
Dan Hotchkiss commented
Agree on export /import of views - - and all other settings.
On the second point, I agree that calling this "clone view" would be clearer; however, it is possible to clone a view by entering a view, then saving it with a new name. (Or the same name, which should not be allowed.)