Length - show total (sum) for a view or a folder
When you view a list of tasks, e.g. within a folder, or filtereed by status or any other criteria the Toodledo website shows the "Total Estimated Lengths", and also totals for elapsed time.
It would be really helpful to have this funtionality in the Ultimate To-Do List as well, at least totals for estimate times.
The reason why this important for me: I tend to overload my day with too many tasks. Thus I always enter the Estimated Length to a task once I put it on my list with things to be done next.
This helps me to stay realistic about what I can manage to finish - if I have only 3 hours, but my to-do list already has like 5 tasks with a total estimated time of 4 hours I emmediately know that this is not going to work.
I tend to use the Toodledo website more often than the app because of lack for this feature in Ultimate To-Do List (well, also because the app's GUI looks not really elegant, but this is another request).
I decided to use Tooledo because task length and totals can be set and displayed, and then I decided to use Ultimate To-Do List because it a) allows to at least enter duration for tasks, and b) otherwise has a huge number of other features, and features parity with the website is really good.
Having totals for task's length would make it an almost perfect app!
Thanks for considering this request

MaryMary commented
Would be nice if in the widget (app to, but most importantly widget) it would show you the total 'estimated length' for tasks for the day.
And each task should show the total 'estimated length' based on totalling the subtasks 'estimated length's as well.
Jan Simon Schneider commented
I would also be very happy to see this feature coming!!!
There is also another request with 10 votes for this issue: https://utl.uservoice.com/forums/149475-new-feature-suggestions-and-bug-reports/suggestions/2854963-add-total-estimated-time-to-each-view
Lovely UTL team - would this please be possible ??? :-)