Undo last change
Sometimes I miss-click things on my tiny smartphone screen.
It would be great if there was an "Undo" function to undo the last (or maybe even last couple) changes made.

Lurking hamster commented
I would definitely buy a plug-in for that.
D commented
PLEASE Need "undo" last function with ability to repeat "undo" several times, OR the ability to uncheck all "Recently Completed" tasks. Several times ALL of my To Do's (over 1800) get "selected & completed" by accident by me when this happens there are only to ways to fix 1) go to Recently Completed folder and uncheck individual task which is very time consuming, or 2) restore from last backup, which so far has not been an option due to the amount of changes entered since last backup.
Tarver commented
This would be especially useful for destructive actions like accidentally touching the big X that wipes out entire Notes at a stroke, but which I just pressed intending only to close the editor, meaning to save some edits.