On-the-fly Filtering of Tasks (Multi-select in navigation pane)
It's not currently possible to multi-select in the navigation tree for some reason.
This is the first thing the user will try - before realizing its not possible and they have to start to create tons of views (even for the simplest filtration..).
This is a MANDATORY feature of any task software. Think about it :)
Let's say I would like to display all my tasks with the context of @errands - but only those who belongs to my "Private" project... what do I do? Yes. I try to select first @errands, then I try long-pressing it, hoping to get a selection check-box next to it, so that I can check it along with my "Private" project..
Then a moment of frustration.
Then I have to create a new view to accomplish this simple task.
This way I end up with Too Many Views.
My spontaneous (but not necessarily the best) suggestion for implementation is to enable a check-box pane to the right in the pane list view when long pressing any item. The back-button would cancel out of this mode.
In the "checkbox-mode" the pane also displays a "clear all checkboxes" button either on the top or bottom of the list view (always visible).
A simpler implementation might be to skip the check-boxes and just enable multi-select mode after a long-press which is canceled by stepping back.. but I am not sure that is as clear to the user.
What do you think?
Aron Igelström commented
Another intuitive implementation of this would be to have a "back-stack" in the actual task-list:
When selecting the first context/goal/folder - the tasks for it is displayed and a "breadcrumbs" bar is displayed on top. The selected goal is highlighted in the navigation pane.
Then the user can select another item from the pane. The view is filtered and the "breadcrumbs" bar displays "Selection1 + Selection2".
And so on... (unlimited levels)?
The user can then use the back-stack or a backwards button in the breadcrumbs bar to navigate. There should possibly also be a "clear selections" button somewhere.