Filter out tasks with a start time that is later in the day
This would be optional.

Howard commented
Seven years later. This is the one major thing about Toodledo and UTL that i miss from other tools. Please can we have Start filter on time as well as date!
JohnS commented
I strongly support this as well, and agree that sorting is not a substitute for filtering.
Saskia commented
Just to add, the workaround of using the sort function is completely inadequate - I already have start date as my final sort criterion but the tasks which can't be done until later in the day still show up too high in my list. I don't want to make start date my primary sort criterion as this would mess up the order I want tasks to display in so it is not a good enough work around. I want my task list to only show those tasks which can be completed right now, I've spent quite a lot of time setting things up to do this and the start time is the main thing stopping me from being able to do this properly.
Saskia commented
This is one of my biggest annoyances about both Ultimate ToDo and Toodledo - if I set a start time it is because the task cannot start until then; it is distracting to have tasks on my list that I can't actually do. It is meaningless to even have a "start time" field if it doesn't hide tasks that haven't started yet!
Jeremy commented
If I've set a start time it is because the task CANNOT be done until a version time. Having it simply appear further down the list is just as annoying. Can we get a filter option to not show tasks with a later start time?
Andy Henson commented
This would be very useful!
If you sort by the start date or the due date, the app will also take the start/due time into account, so that tasks with a later start/due time are lower on the list.
Jacqui commented
I also support this. I would also like to be able to sort on time too so that I could show the tasks for a given day in time order. So much easier to start at the top of the list and work down then.
Andy Henson commented
I support this. A filter for "Start Date and Time" would be great so a task isn't shown until it's start time has been reached if the start date is the current date.
If that is difficult, I'd be happy with a filter just on start time (irrespective of the date).
It's annoying to have tasks displayed which cannot currently be performed.