Have a GTD "Inbox"
What is required is a view for anything where the Status is not
determined. So stuff which just gets thrown in without a status is
your inbox which needs to be cleared.

Remy commented
Thanks DeWayne - nice tip
GTD Girl commented
I don't think this is necessary, just create a Context called @Inbox or @1Inbox if you want it to appear at the top and change your New Task default setting to this context. Then you can amend your views to not include this context and create a specific "Inbox" view.
DeWayne commented
A View can easily be defined that will display all items with a Status of None. Toodledo recommends using this method as well. Personally I find an View of all tasks with no Folder/Project assigned and Not Completed more useful as an Inbox, since I think the real purpose of the inbox is to hold tasks for review at which time they will be assigned to folders/projects, given dates, location, tags, etc.