Provide an option to specify an end date for repeating tasks

Carson Wilcox commented
This would be a great idea, I'm really surprised that this functionality isn't already in the app
Jo Turnbull commented
if the advanced repeat pattern included an option to stop a repeat task after a set amount of time (# of days, weeks, months etc) or after a set number of repeats.
Havelock Thompson commented
Please add the option to say how many times to repeat a task.
Anonymous commented
i need it . i want to add end time of a periodical task assign to a job .
AB commented
But sometimes we don't know in advance what the end date might be. So please add a facility whereby we can mark a repeating task as completed, not just for the day but once and for all.
SA-Resident commented
This option would really be beneficial
proasm commented
And how could it be synched to ToodleDo?