Ability to set your own snooze options
This would allow the user to choose a list of available snooze times

Ariav Savir commented
Agree , and also add the option for an accurate snooze time, like "tomorrow 14:23". But fix also the reminders dissappear after a device restart.
Anonymous commented
Please add 8/12/16 as a stop gap until user-customizable options are available. I hate having to choose '6' and then snooze again in the morning when I get up.
Saskia commented
I too would at least want to see either a custom snooze option or "12 hours" as an option at the absolute minimum (so I could snooze the reminder overnight), and 8/12/16 as snooze options would be great. The lack of snooze options is a huge problem in my day to day use of reminders & puts me off using the feature for all but the most important tasks.
Jeff Brown commented
I second the motion made by SES21: "Please at least add the 8/12/16 hours already requested & I'd also like to see multiple days like 1 through 7, 14 & 30."
Another way to implement this would be a configuration option that allows the user to add her own snooze times.
Jamie Cross commented
Fully customizable would be nice, maybe as an option since a lot of people probably prefer the simplicity of just choosing from a set list. (With a user-definable list being a good compromise.) But right now the SINGLE thing I need most from UTDL is 8, 12 and 16 hour snooze options for snoozing until after work or overnight. Multiple day/month options would be great as well, as mentioned by others. But I would seriously donate $5 right now just to get even a 12-hour option in the meantime.
SES21 commented
I agree more snooze times are needed but, rather than go full custom, I'd prefer to see something in line with what TD has for alarm periods (although TD could stand to add a few more choices, too). Please at least add the 8/12/16 hours already requested & I'd also like to see multiple days like 1 through 7, 14 & 30.
Schnoub commented
Custom time for reminder snooze at time of reminder alarm, please. User defined pre-populated list would do as a stop-gap to on-the-fly custom, but I hate all pre-populated snooze times in all apps I have. At a minimum, please add 8, 12 and 16 hour options to the drop down so that an item can be snoozed until after the workday, or overnight.
Nish commented
Snooze would be great for "tickler" ideas. So activity "Book spaceflight" would pop up every month/3 months/6 months/year etc. and I would quickly click "snooze" to make it go away for another year etc. would be very useful to consider for all those ideas that are deeply hidden away to magically pop up like an oracle!
Shawn Bennett commented
This could be done with a 'custom' snooze , which allows a date pick, and a time entry. There are many instances where I 'alarm' on the start date, and would like to snooze to another date in the task range, or maybe even beyond the due date. Time customization is important too, as you don't A always want to snooze relative to the current time.