Provide Option to Put Sync and Refresh Back on Bottom Bar
I have a very Tall Galaxy Note 8. The movement of the menu up to the top right corner has caused me a lot of awkward reaching to use Sync and Refresh. The developer ought at least give users an option to go back to the "classic" placement of these functions. I am enjoying using UTL a lot less these days.

We can certainly consider adding the option of putting those back at the bottom if there is enough demand. In the meantime, you do have options for sync and refresh that don’t require reaching for the menu. For sync, you can make a downward swipe on a task or note list to trigger this. For refresh, an automatic refresh occurs in a variety of conditions, including:
- After a sync.
- After switching views.
- Turning the screen off and on.
- Switching to another app and back again. For a very fast refresh, try double-tapping on the recent apps button to go to your last used app, then double-tapping again to return to Ultimate To-Do List.
- Rotating your screen from portrait to landscape, or vice-versa.