Put the buttons back!
Can we please have the "add new" button put back to where it has been for years. Muscle memory means I end up in search every time I try to add a new task. You wouldn't like it if I swapped the brake and accelerator pedals in your car. Why can't 1 of the new themes be the old theme.
Philip Fenton LRPS
We don't have the development resources right now to implement new themes with the old placement. However, the next release (4.1.8) does include some extra spacing at the bottom of the task and note lists, which will allow you to scroll the bottom list items above the + button. This will prevent the button from blocking any information.
Lurking hamster commented
Yes please, especially as the new at button sometimes hides information and you can't even look at it by scrolling if it is the last item in the list.