Add some extra buttons to date picker for common items
Examples: Today, tomorrow, Monday, one week from today
This has been implemented in version 1.9 of the smartphone edition, and will be available for the tablet edition in a few days.
Anonymous commented
You may consider taking inspiration from the app for Blackberry and iPhone called ToDoMatrix. They have several options for selecting dates that are super innovative and reduce clicks and the hassle of entering dates.
Rich commented
Definitely a great idea I've been shopping apps lately looked at a lot, the most efficient/intuitive allow offer "at a glance" date deferral options (today, tomorrow, one week from today) some in two taps. Likewise I'd do this re times, also offering 15 minute +/- buttons. Also, I'd considering putting the +/- buttons left & right of the time vs. above & below. Why? Because when you're clicking the + button your fingers in the way of seeing the number below it. Last but not least I'd make the calendar buttons bigger, and make it more obvious what the current setting (date) is.. at least bold.