Auto Backup does not appear to work
Auto back up does not appear to work, you need to backup manually, even with the backup once a day box ticked it does not appear to work.
The automatic backup may not work – or be delayed – for the following reasons:
- Having your device plugged into a computer at the time the backup tries to run. On some devices, this blocks access to the SD Card or media storage area.
- Having your device powered off frequently and/or frequent reboots.
- A bug in the Android installation on your device, which may be fixed by rebooting.
If you don’t think any of these apply to you, then you can make use of the app’s ability to send us a log file containing technical information to help track down the problem. To send the log, do the following:
1. Go to the backup and restore area in the settings, and verify that no backup has been generated for at least 2 days.
2. Go to the Help area in the app and tap on Upload Usage Information.
3. Follow the on-screen instructions to send a log file to us. You will receive a file number which you can send in a return message.
4. We will analyze the file and get back to you. If we do find a bug on our side, we will accept this as a problem and provide a fix in a future release.